No.9........Round 1 to the bugs!!

16th July 2008
Flip!! or words to that effect, the bugs are winning. After waiting a couple of weeks 2 pea shoots had popped their head up to say hello, but where's the rest, I asked myself, two full rows were sowed and no sign.
So I called the detectives Rosemary And Thyme otherwise known as Gary(me) and Mo(the Boss) and we discovered, what we believe to be vine weevil. All the peas had little maggots inside, now the idea of growing our own had met with some remarks about worms and slugs but we had got past that stage and all were keen... but now !!.
So onto a forum (Grow Your Own) to post a question and wait for a reply.
Elsewhere all is well planted out the lettuce and are growing well and the Beetroot are shooting up, the corn that started in the greenhouse is now planted out and so far so good.
Had a bit of a spend again Asda have got a 25% off garden range so a few pound was spent grow bags etc and Tesco had a clearence on so again a few pound was spent including a tomato ketchup kit for the boys.
Thats all for now got to go to battle with the bugs.

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