Day 6.....Time to get dirty

So here we go, time for a bit of riddling, it shouldn't take long, these were the immortal words that came from my mouth.........anyway, 2 days later with still a little riddling to go we made a plan of where is going where, which my son has kindly posted onto the blog, a corner for the corn on the cob, and then we planted a small row of Leeks, these seeds were good- they were already connected and imbedded into a tape, none of that licking your fingers and flicking the seeds and swallowing a few! which I did later. I also planted a small row of Spring Onions, a couple of rows of Swedes--not the blonde variety--we then added some Carrots, then came the Beetroots, 2 rows of everyones favourites Garden Peas, then we left room for the Lettuce, then also some room for Red Onions and Spanish Onions--these little beauties are in my greenhouse.......this story comes later. After finishing the planting time to put a net over to keep the birds and the ruddy cats off and our dog Penny (as seen on a few of the pics).
Well did we laugh!!!, it was on, it was off, it was on and off again- it was pinned on, a tug across to stretch it and 'ping' the pins were off, kids diving for cover--'Dad we need safety goggles' one said, 'got mine on' I replied. Eventually 40 mins later, sweat, laughter and frustration 2 pieces of netting were fixed on- DONE!..........thought this gardening malarky was relaxing. Ha.
On the previous post I mentioned the chickens, this was hillarious, our daughter completely fell for the story that we were going to rescue 4 chickens and keep them in a pen where the patio used to be...........'WHAT' she yelled, 'No way, you want me to look after the kids when you go away, see to the dog, water the veg, pick anything when it needs to be picked, cut the grass, see to the house and NOW feed the ruddy chickens.......NO'. 'Oh and I forgot to mention' I said 'we may get a couple of piglets and a turkey for a plot I have looked at'.........her face was a, steam was appearing from her ears. We let her worry for half an hour then we 'said no we aren't, just make sure you read the mag I got(about choosing a chicken) just in case'.
One other bit of news is that we purchased a greenhouse off Ebay, only a plastic one mind, it should arrive tomorrow-hopefully. Cheers for now.

1 comment:

dzdoris said...

Gary I've just been reading your blog and it's fab!! I'm a little disappointed that it's not finished :o( I was searching the net as I want to start my own vegetable patch and this has been very helpful. Would love to see some more updates :o)

The Layout

The Layout

Garys Veg Plot - The story so far . . .