Well today a courier came with my new greenhouse, we couldn't wait to open it. This was a bargain- £12.50 for a Gardman Walk in Greenhouse 6ft 3" X 4ft 1" X 6ft 3" with shelving down one side. We were like 3 kids at christmas--only one problem--5 small poles missing---damn, a quick email to the seller and the problem was solved, a complete refund from him (a credit to Ebay) and I was told to make the best use of it if I could or bin it. Raul who is now known as Dowual came to the rescue with a temporary fix. He set to and whittled 5 short pieces of wood into look a likey dowels and Hey Presto they fitted perfectly. We will buy the actual pieces of metal tubing and change them but at this moment in time it will do. If you view the slideshow or the video you will see 3 people trying (very) to erect the greenhouse, a scratch of the head, plenty hums and aarhs, 2 collapses--greenhouse not people--and it was done. Time to put it in it's temporary home............on my count of 3..............and you guess.........'Wo, Wo, Wo me legs fell off' shouted Tiny, we put it all back together again, 'ready---go' we moved another 3 feet........'my legs fell off now, wait, wait.'............but eventually we got there. Tomorrow we will move it to it's permanent position..........as long as no-ones legs fall off!!.
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